Gravity and Micro Gravity Survey
Gravity survey the change of gravity acceleration that occurs when the density of the underground changes laterally or horizontally. Small changes in the gravity acceleration (gal) measured on earth occur because the ground is composed of rocks of different density. The interpretation of the measurements obtained by measuring these changes with gravity instruments on earth constitutes the basis of the gravity method. As can be understood from here, the density of the mass sought under the ground must be different from the mass of the side rock that surrounds it.
In addition, if the masses below the ground are horizontal layers, even if their density is different, no result is obtained by gravity method. This indicates that the density change must be in the horizontal direction.
Gravity method, changes in gravitational acceleration are measured in the area investigated with the help of gravimeters. The unit of acceleration is gal (Galieo). 1 milligal is 1/1000 Gal. Gravimeter measurements are made so that the difference between the two points according to sea level is obtained between the two points. Then, the effects of other factors on this change are eliminated and the geological factors that cause gravity anomaly are attempted to be interpreted.
Typical Applications of Gravity Methods
- Hydrocarbon-watershed geometry
- Regional geological studies
- Mineral deposits
- Underground cavities
- Fault and fracture structures
- Foundation rock depth
- Military Studies
- Volcanic monitoring
- In shell studies
- Searching for buried structures in archaeological studies