Cross hole, Down hole, Up hole
Cross hole seismic (CS) and well hole seismic (DS) tests are performed at soil and rock sites to measure shear and compression wave velocity profiles at and from the site of soil and rocks to depth. Using these measurements, dynamic soil and rock properties can be calculated for earthquake design Analyses, liquefaction potential studies, site development and dynamic construction baseline designs for structures. Parameters that can be determined include Poisson ratios, shear and Young modules. In addition, material damping can be estimated from Cross hole test results. The Cross hole is a cross hole test that requires at least two boreholes, whereas the down hole test requires only one.
Determined Parameters
- Calculate the shear modulus, Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio (the density provided is known or assumed)
- Determine the Seismic Field Class using the appropriate Building Code
- Evaluate the liquefaction potential