ENERSON Well Logging Services uses well logging technology and methods for exploration and evaluation of various mines, coal assessment studies Coal Bed Methane, Radioactive minerals, Hydrological studies, Water well assembly, Lithological Studies and other services.
ENERSON has the highest digital data acquisition technology for well logging. Cement Bond, Density-Caliper, Neutron, Gamma-ray, Resistivity, Full Wave Sonic, Spectral Gamma Ray, Deviation, Flow-meter, Acoustic Televiewer, Optic Televiewer & Magnetic Susceptibility tools in open and closed wells by experienced logging engineers It takes well log measurements with different tools such as.
Well Log Probes and Properties
Gamma Ray: Measures natural gamma radiation in rocks. The atoms of several elements in nature are broken down by themselves. This fragmentation is slow but continuous and they also produce gamma, beta and alpha rays.
- Bed boundary analysis
- Facies changes
- Coarsening/ Fining Sequences
- Identify Clay Aquitards
- Aquifer Thickness
- Uranium Concentration
- In determining the radiation level in the zone where the formation water passes in large amounts in the old wells that produce for a long time.
Density: This well log is a radioactivity log based on the principle of measuring the return amount by sending Gamma rays into the formation. It is measured with the help of gamma-gamma instrument.
The amount of return of gamma rays is related to the electron density of the atoms in the formation, which is the actual density of the formation. The presence of gas in the formation decreases the density and gives a high porosity value.
- Cement Pile Testing
- Dam and Foundation Testing
- In-situ Density
- Petrophysical Properties
- Mineral Quality and Delineation
- Lithology Analysis
Neutron: During this well log acquisition, the formation is bombarded by neutron by a radioactive source. As a result of this bombardment, depending on the amount of hydrogen in it, gamma rays emerge from the rock and these are recorded by a receiver on the probe.
- Quantitative In-situ Porosity
- Petrophysical Properties
- Aquifer Quality and Delineation
- Moisture Content of Unsaturated Matrix
- Used with other logs, can detect gas zones and identify gas-liquid contacts
Resistivity: The resistivity of a rock is its resistance to electric current. The current is transmitted by salts that have melted in the layer water in the pores of the rock. Therefore, as the porosity of the rock increases or the layer salinity increases, its resistivity decreases.
- Bed boundary analysis
- Facies changes
- Quantitative geological formation properties
- Identification of Hydrostratigraphic units
- Aquifer thickness and Water quality
- Hydrocarbon intervals, Ore body zones, In-situ Uranium assay
- Fluid contaminant monitoring, Soil horizons, Grain size estimation
SP (Natural Potential): It measures the electrical potential formed by the interaction of SP log layer water and conductive drilling mud and shale.
- Bed boundary analysis
- Facies changes
- Quantitative geological formation properties
- Identification of Hydrostratigraphic units
- Aquifer thickness and Water quality
- Hydrocarbon intervals, Ore body zones, In-situ Uranium assay
- Fluid contaminant monitoring, Soil horizons, Grain size estimation
Optical Televiewer (OBI): This camera produces a continuous and oriented image at 360 ° of the well walls using an optical system. The lighting is provided by a series of LEDs on the optical element, while the CCD camera records the image through prism.
The scanned image of the borehole is then developed on the plane and is oriented relative to the magnetic north. In the developed image, cross structures such as fractures and joints correspond to sinusoidal scars.
The optical camera works in clean water conditions or dry well and needs to be centralized on the hole.
- Detailed and oriented structural information
- Reference for core orientation
- Fracture detection and evaluation
- Breakout analysis
- Detection of thin beds
- Determination of bedding dip
- Lithology and mineralogical characterization
- Casing inspection
Acoustic Televiewer (ABI): The acoustic scanner transmits the ultrasonic pulses from the wake-up sensor, creating a 360 ° continuous and oriented view of the borehole walls. It can simultaneously record the amplitude and movement times of the reflected signals in the interface between liquid and rock formations.
The device is equipped with a steering system and needs to be centralized. The BHTV tool must contain a liquid in the borehole. It also works in muddy water conditions.
- Detailed and oriented caliper and structural information
- Borehole deformation (stress field analysis)
- Fracture detection and evaluation
- Breakout analysis
- Detection of thin beds
- Determination of bedding dip
- Lithology characterizations
- Rock strength
- Casing inspection and corrosion evaluation
- Steel casing thickness
Full Waveform Sonic (FWS):Sonic tool uses sound transmission parameters from rock formations. An acoustic source produces a pressure pulse transmitted to the fluid in the hole and then to rock formations.
Receivers record the arrival of different wave types, which allows to calculate the inverse of the propagation speed of the compression waves (P), shear waves (S) and Stoneley waves (St). The device works in boreholes filled with a liquid and needs to be centralized.
- Cased hole: Cement Bond Logging (CBL)
- Porosity and permeability evaluation
- Lithology identification
- Variation of rock strength
- Calculation of rock mechanical properties: Elastic moduli, Poisson’s ratio, Shear modulus, Young’s modulus, Bulk modulus and compressibility
- Identification and hydraulic characterization of fractures
- Çatlakların belirlenmesinde
- İkincil gözenekliliğin bulunması
Gyro Deviatio :It is a log system that gives information about the slope and direction of the well.
Enerson Well Log Services records high accuracy for the mine exploration industry with well slope-direction surveys and acoustic and optical imaging.
Cement Bond Log (CBL):It determines whether the gap between the casing pipe and the formation is filled by cement, if any, the gaps.
Arm Caliper :The tools that measure the diameter of the well are used for determining the lithology and crack determination, while revealing the geometry of the well, as well as the quality control of other logs and the calculation of the amount of cement to be pressed into the well.
Fluid Temperature + Conductivity:It measures the geothermic gradient, which is the amount of temperature increase in the well, in order to examine fluid movements in wells with or without pipes.
General Log Recording Tools and Uses
• Mass density, moisture content[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Natural Gamma” heading_tag=”h6″]• Defining the lithology
• Stratigraphic correlation
• Evaluation of sand / silt / clay content
• Well completion works
• Uranyum / kömür / şeyl keşfi[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Conductivity” heading_tag=”h6″]• Identification of lithology in sections of wells not covered with metal
• Stratigraphic correlation
• To evaluate the sand / silt / clay content[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Magnetic Susceptibility” heading_tag=”h6″]• Identifies magnetic minerals that can help define lithology
• Formation-water salinity mapping
• Identification of alteration zones[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Resistivity” heading_tag=”h6″]• Identification of conductive mineralization zones
• Identification of broken areas
• Permeability profile[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Caliper” heading_tag=”h6″]
- Well diameter determination
- Determination of broken areas
- Drilling well collapse areas
- Correction factors for other drilling tools
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Impeller Flow Meter” heading_tag=”h6″]
- Identification of water flow regions
- Calculation of P and S wave velocities
- Identification of saturated porosity regions
- Defining the lithology
- Rock quality and elasticity
- Well hole completion studies: to identify missing or inconsistent storage mortar areas
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Optical Televiewer” heading_tag=”h6″]
- It provides a directed digital image of the borehole wall.
- Fracture identification, measurement and characterization
- Structural and geological information
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Acoustic Televiewer” heading_tag=”h6″]• Broken identification and characterization
• Rock Integrity / Hardness[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Nötron (Neutron)” heading_tag=”h6″]• Defining the lithology
• Identification of saturated porous regions[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Induced Polarization” heading_tag=”h6″]• Permeability estimation
• Results may indicate the presence of diffused sulphides[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Temperature / Fluid Resistivity” heading_tag=”h6″]
- Defining variable water quality zones
- Defining variable salinity zones
- Identification of broken / cracked areas
- Evaluation of the temperature gradient
- The temperature log provides valuable correction data for other logs.